What to eat before a workout?

All you need to know regarding Pre-workout meals and how to fit them into your daily life.

2/16/20232 min read

When you provide your body with the right nutrients, you will be able to train harder, and longer to achieve your maximal performance, however, life can get hectic and you may feel overwhelmed by what, when to eat, and how to schedule your meals around your workouts.

Here's the answers to some of the most asked questions considering Pre-workout meals.

1- Why Pre-workout meals are so important?

Your body uses Glycogen (stored fat and carbohydrates) as an energy source during your workout, however, meals consumed immediately before a workout will not be stored as glycogen instead it will be glucose in your bloodstream, which will also be used as fuel to your body, for example, if you eat carbohydrates before a workout your body will burn a higher proportion of carbohydrates and a lower proportion of stored fat, which can help you train harder and sustain a high-intensity endurance session, it will also prevent you from feeling nauseous and dizzy.

2- What should i eat before a workout?

Your Pre-workout meal should be rich in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat.

There should be a healthy balance between all 3 macronutrients, eating a small portion of protein and fat alongside carbohydrates (oatmeal with fruits and nut butter) can help you stay full and satiated, which will positively impact your workout, on the other hand consuming meals high in fat (burgers) can lead to stomach discomfort which can negatively impact your session, removing all protein and fat from your meal (toast) could leave you hungry and lacking energy.

3- How do I schedule my meals around my workout?

Knowing when you'll be working out and when to eat is so important, It is ideal to have a meal 2-4 hours before a workout to allow your stomach to digest it properly because our bodies cannot train and digest at the same time as it may lead to discomfort, followed by a snack 30-60 minutes before you start your training as it will keep you from feeling light-headed and further improve your session.

Lunch/Snack boxes could be a great addition to your daily routine as they will save you a lot of time and keep you in check with your meals and eventually your long-term goals.

4- How much should I eat?

To put it lightly, the closer the meal to your workout, the smaller it should be.

It is crucial to plan your meals as best as you can around your workouts to get the most out of your day and your training because gut health is the key to a functioning body.